Sunday, March 18, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Yesterday was Archer's first St. Patrick's Day! We celebrated with friends in true Minnesota form...

Archer was officially (no parental bias here) the cutest little man in town wearing his "Kiss Me I'm Cute" t-shirt that one of Grandma Cindy's friends sent. I'm continually amazed when I dress him in clothes that I swear will be huge on him to have them barely fit. He's growing so fast (was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight at his 8-week appointment) and is starting to fill out even his 6th month clothes -- yep, he just turned 3-months on Thursday!

The day started with a bath -- I'm proud to report that Archer has stopped thinking that we're trying to drown him and has started to have fun in the tub. Eric and I still find it easier to have a few extra hands in the tub, so it usually ends up being a family affair.

We met some friends in St. Paul at Sweeney's for a little lunch (and a few bloody marys for Eric). Then we headed over to the St. Paul Curling Club to watch a few friends in a bonspiel (a.k.a. tournament). It was a first for all of us (aside from watching a little curling in the last winter Olympics). I'm beginning to understand the goal of the game, but I'm still completely clueless as to how the scoring works. There's talk of maybe starting a league next year, so hopefully I'll have a few more chances to figure it out! Doesn't Archer look thrilled to watch!


Unknown said...

What a great website!!!! Archer is too cute!

Amy said...

Carrie forwarded me your site, very cute!! It is so great to see you guys! I hope all is well up north and Archer is adorable!! I hope we can meet up sometime this summer! I know Grace would love a play date with Ben and Archer!