Hope you're all enjoying a lovely summer!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
And suddenly he's a little man...
It's been another month. Amazing how time flies. We've been busy with all kinds of summer fun. Grandma Cindy visited us for two weeks while daycare was closed (we really had a to twist her arm to convince her...). It was so great to have her here and watch the two of them get to know eachother so much more.
The craziest news comes in the last week! Archer is now learning to crawl/scoot around AND he has his first tooth. I'm amazed at how the smallest things make me realize that he's no longer my little baby, but is day-by-day becoming a little boy. (Sigh... college suddenly feels right around the corner). It is, however, a ton of fun to watch his mind work. He's super inquisitive and loves to figure things out. We'll be sure to keep you up to date on any new progress...
Hope you're all enjoying a lovely summer!
Hope you're all enjoying a lovely summer!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
By the way... I'm the biggest guy in town!
Just to show off how big-time our little man is, he's been trying to sit up on his own. Tonight was the true showcase of how much he must be learning from all the big kids a daycare. He's now sitting pretty confidently... all just in time for his 6-month birthday tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
It's already June?!?
It's hard to believe that Archer will be 6-months old on Friday. I'm amazed how fast each day flies by and how much he's changing. It's, once again, been a crazy couple of weeks. Aunt Mandy, Chayse and Ava visited for a fews days at the end of May. Archer had a blast playing with his cousins! Then, Uncle Brett visited for Memorial Day weekend and Uncle Mikey came up for the last part of the weekend. It was great to have a house full of boys!
Last weekend we had a Tour de Iowa (Iowa's french, right?!) attending two weddings. We set up camp in Okoboji on Friday night, woke up Saturday and drove to Ft. Dodge to see John & Julie Gaffey's beautiful ceremony, then drove back to Okoboji to enjoy Matt & Jodi (Simpson) Connolly's reception at the Pavilion at Arnold's Park. It was really great to see a lot of old friends who we don't get to see as often as we would like. Best wishes for love and lots of laughter to both couples!
This past weekend was full of a lot of much-needed downtime at home (a.k.a. endless loads of laundry, cleaning and yard work).
In the past few weeks we've pulled the solids from Archer's diet and switched to soy formula. We're in the process of trying to figure out what was causing a rash on his chest and figured we'd start back at square one. He's continued to have a stuffy nose and some coughing... so there I'm starting to think that he may have some reaction/intolerance to something he's eating/drinking. We've chatted with the doctor a few times, but since he's not having any serious side effects, we're taking steps/changes slowly. We'll chat about it more after his 6-month checkup in a few weeks.
All that aside, Archer is still the amazing, funny, good-natured little boy that he's always been. Lately he's had a lot of fun playing with his feet and making all sorts of noises. He's nearly sitting on his own (with a little teetering and tottering here and there). Check out dropshots for the most recent pictures.
We hope summer is finding you all happy and well! We hope to see many of you at the Sims Family reunion in Okoboji next month. And we're excited to have Grandma Cindy babysit for the first two weeks of July while daycare is on vacation! We're so blessed to have all of you to share our lives with!
P.S. Congratulations to Nick and Alison on the birth of their little man (who we were lucky enough to meet at the Gaffey wedding) -- Reuben Anton! What a gorgeous little boy blessed with two great parents! We look forward to lots of fun with you guys!

This past weekend was full of a lot of much-needed downtime at home (a.k.a. endless loads of laundry, cleaning and yard work).
In the past few weeks we've pulled the solids from Archer's diet and switched to soy formula. We're in the process of trying to figure out what was causing a rash on his chest and figured we'd start back at square one. He's continued to have a stuffy nose and some coughing... so there I'm starting to think that he may have some reaction/intolerance to something he's eating/drinking. We've chatted with the doctor a few times, but since he's not having any serious side effects, we're taking steps/changes slowly. We'll chat about it more after his 6-month checkup in a few weeks.

We hope summer is finding you all happy and well! We hope to see many of you at the Sims Family reunion in Okoboji next month. And we're excited to have Grandma Cindy babysit for the first two weeks of July while daycare is on vacation! We're so blessed to have all of you to share our lives with!
P.S. Congratulations to Nick and Alison on the birth of their little man (who we were lucky enough to meet at the Gaffey wedding) -- Reuben Anton! What a gorgeous little boy blessed with two great parents! We look forward to lots of fun with you guys!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Johnny Jump to Sleep?
We spent Saturday morning wandering through the Tangletown neighborhood garage sale with friends. A $5 Johnny Jump Up seemed like a deal too good to pass up. We decided to give it a try yesterday afternoon as Eric was doing some work and I was hoping to get a few dishes done. After 5 minutes of giggling, jumping, and looking like a little leprechaun, I look over to see this...
Solid food... here I come!

While Archer still isn't quite ready for all the yummy stuff Grandpa Jim thinks he should try (ice cream, pizza, Makers Mark...), we had our first successful rice cereal meal on Friday night. Tell me this face doesn't have "YUMMY" written all over it. After 4 1/2 months, the little guy was probably thinking he would have nothing but mama's milk forever... and then he had a taste of rice cereal with bananas... whoo hoo!
Friday, May 4, 2007
Holy Cr@p!
So it's been a while... I've thought nearly every day about the fact that it has been (fill in the blank) days since the last time I posted anything here. I just looked down at my phone to realize that it's been a month!

Life's been crazy (I know...excuses, excuses). I'm amazed how fast every day flies by. I feel like from the moment I wake up in the morning to the second my head hits the pillow is now filled with all things mommy. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no complaints (who could complain with a cute little mug like this looking up at you?).
But, I'm really unsure what I did before Archer came into our lives. My hands are becoming scratchy and yucky from endless bottle cleaning (you pump, you empty into daycare bottles, you clean today's daycare bottles, you clean pump bottles -- repeat a million times), the washer and dryer have been running constantly (Eric and I admit that the warmer weather is causing us to go through twice as many clothes each day -- he hasn't figured out a way to mow the lawn in a business suit without making a mess), a then there's the basic clean and organize that never seems to be quite "finished." Last night I had a burst of energy (undoubtedly due to the handful of chocolate covered espresso beans that I devoured) and managed to get the kitchen looking a bit more "ooh" than "eww". I keep thinking that one of these weeks I'll get caught up and the daily upkeep will be less... but that day hasn't arrived yet.
Anyway, enough domestic dribble... Archer (that's who you really want to hear about, right?) is great. We're now well into week 3 at "Miss Kendra's" (a.k.a. daycare). Part of the reason I waited to post about daycare was because the first week was a bit rough (read: Jen sobbing like a crazy person at work) and I didn't want the world to think that we were leaving our child with someone horrible. We've all gotten a little more comfortable with the arrangement and I now feel completely comfortable with Kendra's ability to take care of our little man. Although a huge part of my heart aches every time I think that I'm dropping my child off for 9+ hours of nurturing each day by someone other than Eric and I, I'm realizing that it's an unfortunate thing that many/most families deal with. Some day, we may be able to change it, but for now, it's what we must do.
I digress... Archer (again) is great! Each day I'm amazed that he's more fun than the day before. He's getting to be very vocal and has definitely figured out Eric and I. He's now completely aware that a little cough/cry/squeal will cause the two of us to drop whatever we were previously doing to tend/play/coo to him. As if we weren't wrapped around his finger enough, he's now playing baby-mind-games too (smarty pants)!
Archer's also gotten pretty good at rolling over. I'm sure scooting and crawling are only a few weeks away, so we're enjoying our "immobile" time. We've really enjoyed the return of warm weather and have started taking a nightly walk (which more often than not ends at our neighborhood Dairy Queen). Grandma & Grandpa Dunlap helped us out by buying a super fun three-wheeled stroller that allows us to tackle the curbs and sidewalk cracks much easier than our little "mall stroller".
Eric and I are trying our hands at officially being homeowners and have taken up gardening and lawn care. So far, it's been a fun way to get outside and we haven't managed to kill anything (yet).
Would love to hear from everyone... I've thought about all of you as much as I've thought about adding another post to this blog... one of these days I'll get it all figured out! Looking forward to seeing some of you over Mother's Day weekend in the Quad Cities. Until then, I promise to not let another month go by!

Life's been crazy (I know...excuses, excuses). I'm amazed how fast every day flies by. I feel like from the moment I wake up in the morning to the second my head hits the pillow is now filled with all things mommy. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no complaints (who could complain with a cute little mug like this looking up at you?).
But, I'm really unsure what I did before Archer came into our lives. My hands are becoming scratchy and yucky from endless bottle cleaning (you pump, you empty into daycare bottles, you clean today's daycare bottles, you clean pump bottles -- repeat a million times), the washer and dryer have been running constantly (Eric and I admit that the warmer weather is causing us to go through twice as many clothes each day -- he hasn't figured out a way to mow the lawn in a business suit without making a mess), a then there's the basic clean and organize that never seems to be quite "finished." Last night I had a burst of energy (undoubtedly due to the handful of chocolate covered espresso beans that I devoured) and managed to get the kitchen looking a bit more "ooh" than "eww". I keep thinking that one of these weeks I'll get caught up and the daily upkeep will be less... but that day hasn't arrived yet.
Anyway, enough domestic dribble... Archer (that's who you really want to hear about, right?) is great. We're now well into week 3 at "Miss Kendra's" (a.k.a. daycare). Part of the reason I waited to post about daycare was because the first week was a bit rough (read: Jen sobbing like a crazy person at work) and I didn't want the world to think that we were leaving our child with someone horrible. We've all gotten a little more comfortable with the arrangement and I now feel completely comfortable with Kendra's ability to take care of our little man. Although a huge part of my heart aches every time I think that I'm dropping my child off for 9+ hours of nurturing each day by someone other than Eric and I, I'm realizing that it's an unfortunate thing that many/most families deal with. Some day, we may be able to change it, but for now, it's what we must do.

Archer's also gotten pretty good at rolling over. I'm sure scooting and crawling are only a few weeks away, so we're enjoying our "immobile" time. We've really enjoyed the return of warm weather and have started taking a nightly walk (which more often than not ends at our neighborhood Dairy Queen). Grandma & Grandpa Dunlap helped us out by buying a super fun three-wheeled stroller that allows us to tackle the curbs and sidewalk cracks much easier than our little "mall stroller".
Eric and I are trying our hands at officially being homeowners and have taken up gardening and lawn care. So far, it's been a fun way to get outside and we haven't managed to kill anything (yet).
Would love to hear from everyone... I've thought about all of you as much as I've thought about adding another post to this blog... one of these days I'll get it all figured out! Looking forward to seeing some of you over Mother's Day weekend in the Quad Cities. Until then, I promise to not let another month go by!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
"Let's go to the zoo"
(in your best little-kid-from-Jerry-Maguire-voice)
Yesterday we spent a chilly spring day wandering around the Como Zoo and Conservatory. I'm glad we decided to go when we did as the weather today resembled more winter than spring. We're lucky to only have a little more than a sloppy wet mess and not the 6+ inches that cities just north of us got today!

It was our first trip to the Como Zoo and we loved it! Not only is it free (donations accepted), but it has a pretty decent selection of animals and a Conservatory full of beautiful plants and flowers... just what we needed to feel a little more like spring! Archer's little nose didn't know quite what to think of all the flower smells -- I seemed to have caught him mid-sneeze in this photo!
Archer heard his first lion roar as we were wandering not 50 feet from it! I think Eric and I were a bit more impressed than he was, but, oh well! I think this will become a monthly stop for us when we're needing a little adventure in the city!
Otherwise, the week is flying by. We're having dinner with Grandpa Rick tomorrow night while he's in town for business meetings. Then, we're on the road Friday to celebrate Easter in Okoboji.
I can't believe it's already the second week of April. Eric has just under two weeks of "man-ternity" leave left. I'll try to talk him into leaving his own little posting telling about all the fun they've had each day. I'm starting to think he is more productive than I was while I was home with Archer -- today I got home from work to find the laundry done and dinner being prepped on the stove. I guess I'll keep buying my lotto tickets in the hope that someday we'll hit it big and both be able to stay home with our littlest man!

It was our first trip to the Como Zoo and we loved it! Not only is it free (donations accepted), but it has a pretty decent selection of animals and a Conservatory full of beautiful plants and flowers... just what we needed to feel a little more like spring! Archer's little nose didn't know quite what to think of all the flower smells -- I seemed to have caught him mid-sneeze in this photo!
Archer heard his first lion roar as we were wandering not 50 feet from it! I think Eric and I were a bit more impressed than he was, but, oh well! I think this will become a monthly stop for us when we're needing a little adventure in the city!
Otherwise, the week is flying by. We're having dinner with Grandpa Rick tomorrow night while he's in town for business meetings. Then, we're on the road Friday to celebrate Easter in Okoboji.
I can't believe it's already the second week of April. Eric has just under two weeks of "man-ternity" leave left. I'll try to talk him into leaving his own little posting telling about all the fun they've had each day. I'm starting to think he is more productive than I was while I was home with Archer -- today I got home from work to find the laundry done and dinner being prepped on the stove. I guess I'll keep buying my lotto tickets in the hope that someday we'll hit it big and both be able to stay home with our littlest man!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Let me tell you...
I had to post this because it's about the cutest thing I've seen/heard in a long time (again, no bias here). Archer is starting to understand that he can "talk" just like we do. His grunts are turning into something that resembles speech a bit more... hillarious!
What a weekend!
I know... it's Wednesday and I'm finally getting around to writing about the events of the weekend... if you could only see our living room you would see that we're still not completely unpacked and are digging through suitcases to get ready each morning :)
Sunday's baptism was great. We were thrilled to have the same pastor who married Eric and I perform the baptism. By the end of the service, Archer finally realized that the trumpets and organ weren't monsters coming to get him (seriously... whose brilliant idea was it to have a jazz band play on a Sunday with 5 baptisms?)
We had a great trip to the Quad Cities to visit Grandma and Grandpa Dunlap and to have Archer baptized at the church where Eric and I were married. We started the roadtrip on Thursday afternoon -- hoping we wouldn't double our 5-hour drive time with a baby in the car. Archer did great and slept the majority of the trip!
Friday morning was the beginning of the baby parade. Archer and
I went with Grandma D to school where she teaches to see some of her co-workers. Then we went to meet Great-Grandma Elsie at the nursing home. It was a gorgeous spring day with temps in the 70's so we enjoyed running around with the windows down!

Saturday continued the baby parade with Archer meeting lots of new people. We met up with Katie, her mom and twin girls for coffee and breakfast. Then, my girlfriends arrived from Chicago just in time to hit the mall food court for lunch (a trip home just isn't complete without a trip to Chick-fil-a!) Saturday afternoon, Grandma and Grandpa Holman arrived along with my Aunt Corinne and Uncle Roger. We all got together for monster-reubens at the Belgian Village. Seriously... we didn't spend the entire weekend eating, did we?!

We finished the day with (you guessed it... more food) a great lunch at Biaggi's. Thank you to everyone who made the trip to the QC's to share the day/weekend with us! It was wonderful to finally show off our son to all of you! We're the proudest parents in the world and can't believe we're so lucky to have such a fun little man!
All in all, our first road-trip home was great. But, I have to admit it felt really nice to get home on Monday afternoon. It's funny how you don't realize how much of a routine you have until you're not in it! If only we can figure out a way to get all the people we love to come to the Twin Cities! :)
There are tons of photos on our dropshots site from the weekend... take a look!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Archer was officially (no parental bias here) the cutest little man in town wearing his "Kiss Me I'm Cute" t-shirt that one of Grandma Cindy's friends sent. I'm continually amazed when I dress him in clothes that I swear will be huge on him to have them barely fit. He's growing so fast (was in the 90th percentile for both height and weight at his 8-week appointment) and is starting to fill out even his 6th month clothes -- yep,

The day started with a bath -- I'm proud to report that Archer has stopped thinking that we're trying to drown him and has started to have fun in the tub. Eric and I still find it easier to have a few extra hands in the tub, so it usually ends up being a family affair.

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